Valid reasons to advertise with iSpyHorses.


This horse was listed last week and within 24 hours the seller’s emails had exploded. There were at least twenty legitimate inquiries – one from Japan, two from Australia and the rest NZ. The horse was sold three days later (sale pending a trial at seller’s insistence to ensure everyone is happy).
When this horse was sold previously to the current seller, thousands of dollars were paid by way of an agent’s fee. This current sale through ispyhorses cost the current seller only $150 for a Premium Banner listing at and the horse would quite easily have sold ten times over and within a week. The team at iSpyHorses rest their case! List with ispyhorses now - go and to Sell.

A new comment
-- 15 Mar 2017 13:21

I was able to choose where he went and he's ended up just around the corner. But contact would never had happened without this ad. I also had support with the overflow of enquiries by admin who notified me when people had contacted ispy to say I hadn't replied yet.
-- 01 Feb 2017 10:35

Hi I sold this horse. The endorsement is completely accurate. In fact I should add that within 24 hours his ad had attracted more than 1000 like on facebook. I was blown away by the reach - people in Europe looking at my lovely boy online. I had a number of very genuine and lovely prospective purchasers
-- 01 Feb 2017 10:33

Michelle Lake / Horse Trainer and Riding Coach:
Can you validate any of these claims ??? seriously, I have spent hundreds of dollars with your advertising agency all ready and have not yet recieved one ligitimate inquiry.
-- 27 Jan 2017 16:17